What happened last weekend was nothing shy of a phetasy. Parody became reality as the person running the @BenjaminABoyce Twitter account mentioned this very Benjamin A. Boyce website.


Children’s chalk holders screeched to a halt as the tragically un-blue-checked T-dubs loosened its aperture for one inverted blink, long enough to vibrate innumerable entangled quanta of information. Boyce’s mirror neurons reported no self-recognition, nor sight of any sympathetic other. Instead, this website was conflated with the likes of transgendermap.com. But this website doesn’t even know what a dermap is, transgen or otherwise.

There is no relation between the sites, despite the other site accusedly ripping off this one’s design, which is a terrible faux pas. WordPress has a new theme, citizens, and it’s a whole-site block builder! It’s practically the Great Pyramid of Giza.

Those interested in despoiling the webbernets would be wise to heed lists of best designs. Virtual cathedrals about virtual cathedrals wait for such gate-licking barbarians. If you’re going to pirate some IP, try and snag a digital Edmund Fitzgerald to wreck at the very least, if one can abide the pride of the American side.

Still, it was a pleasure to meet you, manager of Boyce’s Teedlio. The digital handshake was electric.