Benjamin? Oh, he’s fine. Just flying around the world talking to attractive people with strong opinions. Getting on planes, breaking chains, bleaching stains off our corroded brains.
If Mr. Benyameen had anything better to do than slicing the Gordian knot of gender politics, he’d be doing it.
See this? It’s a link to playlists full of Buh-hen-jamin Buh-hoyce videos you’ve only seen all of if you’re a real fan.
Meanwhile, who is feeding his cat? THIS impostor?!
You don’t have to like it, but someone has to be watching the animals. They can’t just run feral or the cats will kill all the birds, and then the worms will take over the earth.
Calmversations with Benjamin Boyce has struck the million mark for the first and only time in history. This breaks many cultural taboos, as 1,000,000 is high above the proper average that statistics have laid down for our guidance. But our man Benji forges ahead like a modern-day Abignale. Is he slowing down? Not intentionally if at all. The Boy who would be Ce has all the momentum of a million marks striking a calmversation.
As you may have noticed, this website contains many Boycine links to his scattered contributions: gold leaf flakes of internet caught in the world-wide web. But there was no Anchor FM link. How is one supposed to listen to our favorite smooth-toned, bestubbled interlocutor? It was like we were living in a gotdanged creepypasta.
But never fear. The rift has been mended. The Springfield Gorge has been jumped. The laceration has been butterfly-bandaged. That anchor to the Anchor? It lives. In fact it’s right here on the Benjamin A. Boyce website. You can click it now. Perhaps you should. The first one, not the second one. The second one just takes you back to the homepage. Or more like a homey page since we’re all friends here. Haha.
Now that’s not to say we all agree on anything. For example, do we all HEARTILY SHUN woke puritans? Probably not. But Andrew Doyle does, AKA A-Doy, AKA the Big Doyle, AKA Doyliedoyliedoylie. And our impetuous liege B-Boyce has the scoop on that one. Here’s 31 flavors for you:
Wow, that was a hoot. A HOOT!
Wait, did we do the thing again where we don’t include Anchor? Well, at the risk of being too inclusive to maintain definitional integrity, here’s the Anchor FM embed to the same thing but audio-only:
If you like that better, enjoy it. It won’t last forever. People keep talking about the heat death of the universe, and if they keep doing that it might happen.
What happened last weekend was nothing shy of a phetasy. Parody became reality as the person running the @BenjaminABoyce Twitter account mentioned this very Benjamin A. Boyce website.
Children’s chalk holders screeched to a halt as the tragically un-blue-checked T-dubs loosened its aperture for one inverted blink, long enough to vibrate innumerable entangled quanta of information. Boyce’s mirror neurons reported no self-recognition, nor sight of any sympathetic other. Instead, this website was conflated with the likes of But this website doesn’t even know what a dermap is, transgen or otherwise.
There is no relation between the sites, despite the other site accusedly ripping off this one’s design, which is a terrible faux pas. WordPress has a new theme, citizens, and it’s a whole-site block builder! It’s practically the Great Pyramid of Giza.
Those interested in despoiling the webbernets would be wise to heed lists of best designs. Virtual cathedrals about virtual cathedrals wait for such gate-licking barbarians. If you’re going to pirate some IP, try and snag a digital Edmund Fitzgerald to wreck at the very least, if one can abide the pride of the American side.
Still, it was a pleasure to meet you, manager of Boyce’s Teedlio. The digital handshake was electric.
Asking questions about Benjamin Boyce is a common pastime and a common mistake. If you were really lucky, he’d be asking you questions. But all are not leprechauns. No, you and I are left to pester the promiscuous search engines. Unlike Boyce, they always say yes, although they sometimes improv the “and” to flavor results in their favor. But what are these wanton answer mills doling out lately? And is it worth reading? Below is a modest survey of the questscape.
So we see that people want to know…
Does our Benjamin have a YouTube?
Oh, yes. Yes, he most certainly does. And you may subscribe.
The Evergreen State College debacle was an uprising of students at the state-owned school in Olympia, Washington of the same name. A social equity committee appointed by then-president George Sumner Bridges decided that a Day of Absence should be observed quarterly. On this day, the approximately 25% of students who were self-assessed as minorities would stay home from the college to raise awareness of their contributions. In 2017 the observance was reversed, urging white college students and faculty to remain off campus. On the Day of Absence starting June 1st, 2017, students with bats and sticks damaged the school to the tune of $10,000, prompting a closure of the school. Some students searched the school, bearing weapons, for allegedly racist evolutionary biology professor Bret Weinstein. Benjamin Boyce was there with rudimentary documentary equipment. He released an impressively comprehensive documentary about it. Here it is:
Does Mr. Boyce have a Podcast?
Tragically, no. He has 4,166 podcasts. You might petition him to align them in some manner, that the world may know him better and rejoice. The links at the top and bottom of this website will take you all around the endless internet in search of those constellation fragments that form the Boyce of Reason as an abstract entity. But the Boyce of Reason podcast was itself one of Boyce’s podcasts. Now, do not despair. Surely Mr. B. did create that pod, and it persists. But whereas he is not still naming his videos “the Boyce of Reason podcast” it would be presumptuous to say that his podcast currently bears that name. Best practice: hit up his YouTube. There will be things on there, often new.
What is this “Conversations” thing?
It’s actually Calmversations. It was a batch of podcast episodes. Is it still happening? I can’t tell. I like the name. It’s clever.
To answer the question in the graphic above, being clever seems to be working out better than average for B.A.B.
No, he isn’t missing in action. Our good fellow just happens to have recently shot a video with one Mia in which they merrily go a-terfing. Now you have the answer without having to shop for it on your own. This is the platinum concierge service, folks.
As for a wife
As far as I know, Boyces replicate through meiosis. This particular model may be the last, in which case I hope he settles down with a worthy counterpart. He must not be discontinued.
โNo, the world must be peopled.โ
Benedick, Much Ado About Nothing
There isn’t one, but eventually this will changeโI don’t know how to do it. Go make Boyce a Wiki. Yes, that is a direct command. But it’s not rude because we’re not in Japan where inanimate objects have to speak up to you like the humblest of servants. In defense of that custom, inanimate objects are literally subhuman. Perhaps they should show some respect.
Benjamin is doing a great job Tweeting and Interviewing. But not one to leave things to change, he also has been retweeting and re-interviewing. Lately, for example, this:
2020 riots cost billions in damage to citizens. Dem's argument that Jan6 was worse hinges on an appeal to the sacredness of our institutions. But only certain institutions sacred: the ones *they* use to control citizens.
And our Benjamin has also treated us to a re-interview of Meghan Murphy:
They have such a nice rapport.
Where is Benjamin A. Boyce’s Twitter?
To get to his Twitter, you can click this still-frame image of his real-life feed header, where he’s weaving and bobbing through the electrified textile of human conversation.
If you feel like you’ve hit the wrong page, there is only one other page at the time of this writing–the home page, available here: It occurs to me that Benjamin may someday sire a scion “Benjamina” Boyce. This website would be a lovely gift to her. Mr. Boyce does seem to get along well with the fairer sex, conversationally. Perhaps a slate of potential mates could ally together in a pact. She who wins his affection would be the recipient of a massive bridal shower funded by the others. That’s one way to catapult his progeny into a wealthier future. As it happens, this blog post accepts comments, so perhaps you will organize the dowry pool here. Runners up could be given Benjamin A. Boyce merch, funded by some portion of the pecuniary donations.
Is there Benjamin A. Boyce merch?
I don’t see any. This is something of a tragedy. Because the man is supersaturated with catch phrases. If we put him in a hot tub, surely a few dozen would melt off. In fact, we can make this part of the above nuptial procedure. The prospective mates could enjoy a delightful “phrase catch!” party game with pool skimmers. The participants could rate the precipitates, which would be very alliterative. Because Benjamin Boyce likes that.